Why would I want to use PixelFlow?
If you are passionate about media production and work with others, you should consider PixelFlow to help your team share ideas, feedback and media.
What types of workflows benefit the most?
Workflows that include multiple people, multiple revisions and multiple media files stand to benefit the most from PixelFlow. The service has proven to be effective for those working in the same office or different parts of the globe.
What does my customer see?
We have gone to great lengths to handle customer facing workflows with the upmost simplicity and clarity. For this reason, PixelFlow handles interactions with your customers differently than internal users. Customer interactions don't require a login id or password or anything other than a email and a standard web browser.
Is it secure?
We take security very seriously. As part of our policy we do not publicly disclose the details of PixelFlow's security measures. We abide by MPAA guidelines and are audited internally, by certain customers and by accredited 3rd parties. PixelFlow's security bulletin is available through a non-disclosure agreement. Please contact us for details.
How is PixelFlow different than DropBox for video review?
PixelFlow allows users to post comments on the timeline from any web browser, without any consideration required for codecs, file size or client platform. PixelFlow's streaming platform allows videos to be instantly viewed and prevents unauthorized download.
Does it work on my iPhone?
Yes. The iPixelFlow app is available free of charge on the App Store.
Does it work on my iPad?
Only customer workflows are supported on the iPad at this time. We are working on PixelFlow for the iPad. Stay tuned as it will be available shortly.
Can I brand it using my own logo?
Absolutely. Branding of customer facing workflows is available as a standard feature with a Team or Business plan.
What are the system requirements?
PixelFlow runs on Mac/PC and supports all modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Internet Explorer, Opera). We recommend staying up to date on the latest browser version for your platform and a fast Internet connection for streaming video.
What types of media are supported?
PixelFlow supports a versatile review process for audio, video, image media. Any type of file can be uploaded to PixelFlow and shared.
What is the optimal video upload format?
You can upload anything, but for optimal experience we recommend exporting 720p H.264 at 2.5 Mbits.